Swimming Pool Safety for Families | Fratelli Pool Service Blog Tips

Swimming Pool Safety for Families: Protecting Your Loved Ones

Swimming Pool Safety for Families: Protecting Your Loved Ones


Swimming Pool Safety: Summertime is synonymous with fun in the sun, and for many families, that includes taking a refreshing dip in the swimming pool. However, while pools offer endless enjoyment, they also come with responsibilities, especially when children are involved. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore essential pool safety rules that every family with a swimming pool should follow. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your pool remains a source of joy and relaxation while keeping your loved ones safe.


The Importance of Pool Rules


The Role of a Designated Pool Watcher

One of the fundamental rules for a safe pool environment is to have a designated pool watcher. This responsible adult should keep a vigilant eye on swimmers at all times. The key is to choose someone who won’t become easily distracted. If the watcher needs to step away, it’s crucial to either assign a new watcher or have everyone exit the pool.

Never Swim Alone, Regardless of Age

A common misconception is that adults can swim alone without any risks. However, accidents can happen to anyone. Always have at least one other person present when swimming, even if you’re a proficient swimmer. In emergencies, having someone there can be a lifesaver.

Safe Practices Around the Pool

Say No to Glass Containers

Glass and pools are a dangerous combination. Broken glass can lead to severe injuries and contaminate the water. To ensure pool safety, opt for plastic or other non-breakable containers.

Recognizing the Signs of Thunderstorms

Summer weather can be unpredictable. It’s crucial to establish a rule that when the first sign of a thunderstorm appears, everyone should exit the pool immediately. Lightning and swimming pools don’t mix, so taking shelter is a must.

Avoid Rough Play and Running

Pools are a hub of excitement, but rough play and running near the poolside can lead to slip and fall accidents. Enforce a strict ‘no rough play’ rule to prevent injuries. Make sure your pool area is equipped with slip-resistant surfaces to reduce the risk further.

Diving and Standing Rules

Swimming Pool Safety – Diving Safety

Diving can be exhilarating, but it’s crucial to do it safely. Never dive into shallow water, as this can result in severe head and neck injuries. Ensure that the pool has clear depth markers, and instruct swimmers to steer their dives upwards to avoid collisions with the pool bottom.

Standing or Playing on Pool Covers

Pool covers are meant for safety, not recreation. Never allow anyone to stand or play on a pool cover. This can cause damage to the cover and pose significant safety risks.

Drains and Safety

Drains and Pool Safety

Pool drains may seem harmless, but they can be extremely dangerous, especially for children. Teach your family members never to play with or near pool drains. Powerful suction from drains can lead to entrapment, a situation that can turn fatal if not recognized and addressed promptly.

Swimming pools are a fantastic source of enjoyment, especially during the hot summer months. However, ensuring pool safety should always be a top priority, particularly when children are involved. By implementing and adhering to these essential pool rules, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for your family and loved ones. Remember, safety first ensures that your pool remains a place of cherished memories for years to come.

Do not delegate the responsibility of cleaning your pool to the tenant

Attention Pool home owners!

Do not delegate the responsibility of cleaning your pool to the tenant

This blog, in particular, aims to bring a subject of interest to owners of long-term rental properties, since here in Florida, we find in this market, customers who delegate the financial responsibility to the tenant to hire a company to take care of the pool.

In most cases, the tenant:

1 – The tenant doesn’t hire anyone, because he thinks he can take care of it and save his own money;

2 – He also can hire the cheapest company that will certainly not provide a good service.

In both cases, the outcome is the same: GREEN POOL, often abandoned and without maintenance for a long time, equipment without inspection and working properly, pools with permanent stains due to the lack of correct balance of chemicals.

Result: high cost to recover the pool and/or irreversible damage to property.

A good pool cleaning company should be your eyes on the pool area. In addition to ensuring healthy and crystal clear water, you must report any problems found in the area and equipment. Many more serious problems can be avoided and costs minimized if identified early.

You resolve this issue easily, adding the value of maintaining the pool in the rent that the tenant pays, and in this way, you guarantee that the pool will be properly treated and its assets preserved.

One of the things that most leave us unhappy is: “how the owner of a long-term home delegates the care of the pool to the tenant.”

You should be responsible for hiring the pool cleaning company. The owner!



Fratelli is Here Fighting For You!

Pool Service Prices Will Increase in 2021. But Fratelli Pool Service Will Keep The Same Prices Instead The Market.

What a challenging year, huh? We are always grateful to each one of you for entrusting us with your swimming pool and, consequently, the health of your family. We always work to exceed your expectations.

This year of 2020, in addition to being challenging in the health area, was also disastrous economically. All the products we use have increased in price considerably.

We never increase the monthly fee, and we have worked hard with our suppliers, doing everything in our power to maintain the monthly fee and still maintain the quality Fratelli Pool that you know and deserve.

Please check this article very well written by Orenda, as is the situation of our market.


Pool Service Prices Will Increase in 2021. Here’s Why.

by Orenda Technologies

Swimming pool service companies have traditionally ignored and absorbed gradual price increases, because nobody likes raising prices on customers for the same services rendered. Due to COVID-19 and other unforeseen circumstances, that is no longer possible in 2021. We are writing this article to inform homeowners about what has happened to our industry and how you can prepare for the increased costs of maintaining your swimming pool.

Covered in this article:

Coronavirus and its impact on the swimming pool industry

COVID-19 swimming pool

The world was not prepared for the widespread lockdowns justified by COVID-19. While most swimming pool companies stayed busy as essential workers, the same cannot be said for all the manufacturing companies that make the equipment, tools, chemicals, and other supplies. That also applies to shipping companies, which have raised costs and delays are everywhere. These impacts from COVID-19 are soon to be felt by everyone down the supply chain.

Normal price inflation

Traditionally, prices for pool products–like chemicals–generally increase slowly, and stay at or below the US Dollar inflation rate. When manufacturing costs increase, they are not always carried on to the consumer each year, as most companies do not like raising their prices every single year. Increases may be every other year, and usually just a couple of percentage points. Pool service companies have also absorbed these small price increases without raising rates to homeowners, often because the price increases are small and not always noticed. Yet inflation is part of doing business, and we all must adapt to it.

Skyrocketing demand

With everyone stuck at home, the residential pool business surged. Demand for new pools, renovations, heaters and other upgraded equipment reached an all-time high. Along with more pools being built came a longer season. Pools in colder climates were opening earlier than normal…April instead of May, or March instead of April. Longer seasons mean more chlorine and other chemical usage too. The demand for just about everything related to backyard pools skyrocketed this year. This put stress on manufacturers to over-deliver during already-stressed times.


As a pool chemical manufacturer, we at Orenda can speak openly on this topic. Coronavirus has fundamentally changed the manufacturing business at almost every level. From bottle lids to raw materials, delays and shortages have plagued every industry. Unless you manufacture hand sanitizer, cleaning spray or personal protective equipment (PPE) like face masks, many manufacturing facilities have put non-essential items on the back burner. This is not specific to just the pool industry, or even just in the United States. This is across the entire global economy. Coronavirus shifted everyone’s priorities. We at Orenda were fortunate to have enough material packaged for this season, and we did not have any delays in shipping, but not everyone was so lucky. And yes, much of that was luck. Nobody saw the lockdowns coming.

With increased demand and back-orders come increased costs for components. Again, think lids, bottles, labels, cardboard boxes, and even pallets.

Another aspect of the manufacturing issue has been the new safety protocol in place. Social distancing, PPE, plexiglass dividers, and disinfection practices have not only slowed down productivity, they have raised the cost of doing business. We see it everywhere we go: restaurants, grocery stores, airplanes, the gym, etc.. The amount of disinfectant wipes and spray is too much to quantify, and it all costs money. So all of us have to pay for that added cost of doing business. It trickles down. When factories have less people working together, they cannot produce goods as quickly or efficiently.

We want to reiterate that this is not a pool industry problem–this is affecting every industry and every level.



Shipping companies are also much more expensive than usual. Not only are their distribution centers backed up because of social distancing and safety protocol, but the delays build upon other delays. In March 2020, some of the ports were closed, which backed up shipments from overseas, and it has continued to back up the supply chain. We were waiting more than six months to get things that should have taken only a couple of weeks.

Even if the products you were waiting for are made in the USA, some of the internal components may be from overseas. For instance, a type of fitting or valve inside a motor could be made in Taiwan, and therefore the product you’re trying to buy is unable to be completed and sent to you. This happened in the pool business with all sorts of products, from heaters to kids pool toys. Unfortunately, there was not much any of us could do to alleviate the pressure. But one thing is for certain: prices have gone up. Which brings us to the major pool-specific event of 2020, which actually had nothing to do with COVID-19.

Severe chlorine shortage

Disinfectants and sanitizers are in extremely high demand. This includes chlorine, which has found alternative uses in other industrial businesses for disinfecting surfaces. The demand on chlorine/sanitizers in general has been dramatic this year. Even though the lockdowns have relaxed and we are returning more toward “business as usual” in the United States, there is one product that will be in short supply for the foreseeable future. Trichlor. And with the shortage of trichlor comes a ripple effect that will increase demand on other items which will also raise prices. It’s simple supply-and-demand.

Trichlor plant burned down

Biolab chlorine plant fire, Hurricane Laura, chlorine plant fire, Getty Images

Chlorine plant fire. Source: Getty Images (from Forbes.com)

In August 2020, one of the largest chlorine manufacturing plants in North America was destroyed by Hurricane Laura, and it caught on fire. The implications of this disaster cannot be understated. Prior to this incident the demand on chlorine was already near an all time high, thanks to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Sources in the industry estimate the plant was responsible for at least one third (1/3) of trichlor production in the country. Now, this production will be taken offline for the foreseeable future. Other manufacturers can only produce chlorine at a finite rate, and while they are ramping up production, it will not make up for the loss. Trichlor prices have nearly doubled since August, and are expected to increase even more next year. Be prepared for this, because it’s coming.

Imports from overseas

To fill the void, overseas manufacturers in Asia (primarily) will no doubt try to provide more trichlor to the U.S. market, but the prices will still be higher than normal and production can only increase so much before a plant reaches capacity. And thanks to COVID-19, chlorine plants were already at or near max capacity to begin with. To put this situation in perspective, the plant that burned down, according to Louisiana regulatory documents, produces about 115 million pounds of trichlor a year. It will be difficult to make that up.

Adaptation and alternatives

With such a chlorine shortage, we view this crisis as an opportunity to evolve as an industry. It’s a chance to improve and modernize our practices on how we treat swimming pool water.  We at Orenda have been quite vocal about trichlor because of Cyanuric Acid (CYA)Minimal CYA is our fourth pillar of proactive pool care. CYA’s impact on chlorine strength is major, and its impact on the LSI is too. With trichlor comes the necessity to drain and dilute to keep CYA levels in check. In other words, a shortage of trichlor is painful in the short term, but might be a blessing in the long term.

Chlorine alternatives

Non-stabilized chlorine is ideal when coupled with less than 50 ppm of CYA. You can have optimal sunlight protection while not worrying about overstabilization and its consequences. So we as an industry must adapt, and look for alternatives to trichlor. The three most available options are liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite), cal hypo (calcium hypochlorite), and salt chlorine generator systems. Whatever you choose to switch to, be sure you keep sanitization as a priority, and adjust your other water chemistry parameters to be appropriate for the new type of chlorine. For instance, salt pools need to be maintained differently than cal hypo pools, and vice versa.

Secondary disinfection/oxidation systems

Supplementing chlorine with secondary disinfection/oxidation systems makes a lot of sense when chlorine is in short supply. It’s the natural next step to address the sanitizer demand. Commercial swimming pools have been utilizing secondary systems like Ultraviolet (UV) and Ozone for decades now, and they are growing in popularity for residential pools too. There are also Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) systems, and a more recent secondary oxidizer–but not disinfectant–called Hyper-Dissolved Oxygen (HDO). All of these systems have their pros and cons, but one big benefit of each of them is they help chlorine be more efficient.

We are not here to opine on which systems are best for your pool, so we encourage you to do the research on your own if you are looking for a secondary system. We will say if you don’t already have one, they are almost always a worthwhile upgrade.

Specialty chemicals

CV-600 updated bottlesTo further complement chlorine, specialty chemicals like phosphate removerenzymesclarifiers and chelants/sequestering agents take on much of the burden that faces chlorine. We have plenty of other articles that go in depth on these topics here:

In short, these alternatives directly reduce demands on chlorine and increase efficiency.


The world changed rapidly in 2020, and we all have to adapt. Unfortunately, at least until things return to normal (hopefully), prices will be much higher than normal as a consequence. Between manufacturing shortages, health and safety protocols and shipping delays, costs in all aspects of the supply chain are higher than ever thanks to COVID-19. This is not just in the pool business, it’s pretty much the entire global economy. Unique to pools, however, is the catastrophe of losing a major chlorine manufacturing plant, responsible for over a third of domestic trichlor production. That hits everyone hard, even those of us who do not manufacture chlorine. As they say on the news, we’re all in this together, and we wrote this article today because it’s the reality we are facing in our industry. So if your pool service company has to raise prices in 2021 (or late 2020), we hope this article adequately explains why. They simply do not have a choice if they want to remain in business.



You can read the original content from Orenda by clicking on the link: https://bit.ly/3opfddJ

Pollen Season is around the corner!

Is Pollen in Your Pool?

Pollen can be identified as such:

  1. Pollen tends to stick to the pool tile at the waterline
  2. Pollen will also stick to the inside of your skimmer
  3. Pollen on the surface is easily wind blown into a corner

What’s Wrong With Pollen?

Besides the allergy issues, pollen in the pool can upset your pool water chemistry and clog up filtration systems.

  • Accumulates inside of skimmer walls and along tile line
  • Oily pollen particles clog tiny pores in pool filter media
  • Can mix with dirt to form ugly water line scum and stains
  • Pollen contains phosphates, bacteria and other organics

Removing Pollen from Your Pool

Eventually the pollen will filter out on its own, but if you want to speed the process along, there are ways to remove pollen from a pool very quickly.

7-ways to Remove Pollen from Pools

  1. Natural Chemistry First Aid; a blend of classifiers and enzymes
  2. The Slime Bag; heavy fabric filter bag attaches to pool wall return
  3. The Skim Bag; heavy fabric filter bag drops into skimmer basket
  4. Filter Savers; fine mesh socks stretch over skimmer or pump baskets
  5. Jack’s Magic Fiber Filter Stuff as a filter aid to improve performance


Some Reference: intheswim

Contact us today to request a quote or schedule a pool cleaning.

Who should perform swimming pool maintenance at the properties you manage?

5 ways a pool service company in Orlando can help property managers

As a property manager, your job is to keep the property you manage in a safe and habitable condition. You likely keep a large network of reliable plumbers, electricians, carpenters, landscapers and other contractors on hand to make emergency repairs or perform preventative property maintenance. By hiring experts to perform the needed task around your rental property, you limit issues from arising and solve problems quicker.


Property investors in Orlando often buy properties with pools for the added value, higher renting rate and enhanced tenant appeal. But a pool can become a costly and legal headache if it’s not properly maintained—and the property owner is relying on you. That’s why if you manage a property with a pool, it’s important that you hire the right people to care for it.  


Why hire a pool service company?

Hiring a dependable pool service company in Orlando will do more than simply keep the pools at your properties clean. They will also help to: 


#1: Improve Safety

Pools that are not properly maintained can be harmful to the health and happiness of tenants or guests. A reliable pool service company in Orlando will maintain your pool’s chemical levels to help reduce the spread of harmful diseases.


#2: Reduce Cost

Property managers are responsible for managing a rental or vacation property’s budget. With a pool service company in Orlando regularly checking your pool’s chemical levels, you can actually save money by reducing the need for constant maintenance.


#3: Protect Against Liability

Experienced pool service companies don’t just work with different types of pools, but also different types of fences and gates surrounding the pools. They can inform you if there’s an issue with any of these safety measures, to help prevent potential pool-related accidents that you may be liable for.


#4: Maintain Guest and Tenant Comfort 

Pool service companies will often visit the same property multiple times a month, allowing them to be the “eyes and ears” of the property manager. A reliable pool service company in Orlando will communicate and make a note of possible issues that threaten tenant and guest comfort.


#5: Encourage Repeat Guests and Long-Term Tenants

A well-maintained pool contributes to the comfort of the people renting the property, and keeping them happy encourages long-term tenants and repeat guests. This eliminates the money and work needed in finding new people to rent your property—and ensures a steady, reliable source of income for the property owner who hired you.


Properly maintaining a pool requires expert knowledge and regular work. Whether you manage a single family rental property or a vacation home, the team at Fratelli Pool Service has what it takes to keep you, your renters, and the property owner happy. 


We’re fully certified, insured, licensed and experienced pool company in Orlando. In addition to servicing pools for rental properties and vacation homes, we also offer a variety of extra services like pressure washing, deck organization, and more. 


Contact us today to request a quote or schedule a pool cleaning.

What homeowners can learn at our pool care School Day

Our school day service teaches you the ins and outs of pool maintenance


A hobby for some, and a chore for others, keeping your pool clean can be an intimidating task if you try to learn it all on your own.


Luckily, Fratelli Pool Service is here to teach you everything you need to know about maintaining a crystal clear pool! 


Keep reading to learn more about our educational pool care School Day.


What will I learn?

When you book our School Day service, one of our trained, licensed pool technicians will visit your home and give you an in-person lesson taking you through the right pool cleaning process step by step. 


You’ll learn important skills including how to: 

  • Correctly use your pool equipment (motor, pump, valves, heater, etc.)
  • Properly brush and skim your pool
  • Replenish your chlorine safely
  • Balance the pool chemicals 
  • Administer shock and algaecide 
  • Check, clean and change your pool filter.


Why should I sign up?

During your School Day session, our knowledgeable pool tech will answer any questions you may have and let you know how often you need to clean your pool in order to maintain a healthy swimming environment for your family. 


Consistently taking care of your pool stops bacteria and algae from growing and prevents damage from debris. You’ll not only learn how to complete these tasks, but you will also learn why these tasks are so important to keep your pool functioning perfectly. 


If you would like more information regarding our weekly pool service and what you will be learning during your school day, visit our services page here


Ready to book your School Day?

You can get in touch via our contact form or call us at (407) 267-0342.


If you’d rather leave the pool care to the pros, you can schedule a service consultation here.


We’re social! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram.


From green to great: How to clean a green swimming pool

Learn why your pool might go green, how to clean it, and how to stop it happening again


It’s the start of summer, which means it’s the perfect weather to get outdoors and enjoy your swimming pool!


But what do you do if your pool is looking a little green around the gills? Keep reading to learn what causes a swimming pool to go green, how to clean it, and how to prevent it from happening again in the future.


Why does a swimming pool turn green?

Swimming pools can turn green for a number of reasons.


  • Chemical imbalance

An imbalanced pool is the most common cause of a green swimming pool. If your pool doesn’t have enough chlorine, algae can quickly begin to grow. It’s the rapid growth of this algae which causes the pool water to look green.


  • A dirty deck

When dirt enters your pool from the surrounding area, it can make your water look green. Grime and slime can build up on your deck’s surface as a result of rain or heavy foot traffic, and this gets transferred to the water when people jump in for a swim.


  • Lots of pool use

Pool parties are fun, but they can take their toll on your pool! When lots of people use your pool in a short space of time, the effect of your pool chemicals can wear off quicker. This gives algae the chance to start growing.


  • Use of pool heater

High water temperatures can cause your chlorine to be used up faster than normal. Again, this gives algae the opportunity to start growing in your pool.


  • Excessive rain

All those heavy Florida downpours add a lot of extra water to your pool! This excess untreated water can cause the carefully balanced chemicals in your pool to become unbalanced, fast.


  • Oxidized metals

The presence of certain metals, like copper, in your pool water can cause big problems. They can be introduced when the source water is acidic, through cheap algaecides or from metal components in your pool equipment.

When you shock your pool, the process can oxidize the metals in the water. If they are present in high enough quantities, they will turn your pool water green. If left untreated, these metals may stain your pool’s surface—and they can even turn your hair green if you swim in it!


  • Airborne pollen

Did you know that excessive amounts of pollen in the air can have a big impact on your pool? Airborne pollen particles can often be too small for your pool filter to remove, so they settle on the surface of the water instead. This can give your pool a green or yellow look.


Is it safe to swim in a green swimming pool?

A green swimming pool is not always unsafe, but it’s definitely a red flag that something isn’t quite right.

While most algae is not harmful to humans, be warned: if algae can grow in your pool, then other things—like bacteria—can grow there too!

Nasty bacteria that can make you sick can enter your body through even a small cut, or through your eyes, ears, nose and throat. Algae can also be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects.

Our advice is to get that green swimming pool cleaned right away!


How do I clean a green swimming pool?

The first step in restoring your pool is to use a chemical test kit to determine the extent of the problem. Once you know what your levels are, you must add more chemicals to rebalance the water.

Then, check the pool filter is working correctly, remove any debris, thoroughly scrub the sides and bottom of your pool, and add pool shock to kill the remaining algae.

Once it’s safe to do so, use a pool vacuum to remove all of the dead algae and re-check the chemical levels. If your pool is still looking a little green, you may have to repeat the process.


How can I stop my swimming pool turning green?

No one wants a green swimming pool! The secret to avoiding it is to keep your pool properly maintained.

You can prevent algae from growing in the first place by:

  • Making sure your pool’s chlorine and pH levels remain steady
  • Keeping your pool filter clean and in full working condition
  • Keeping the pool surface clean and free from debris.


How our Green Pool Treatment works

If your swimming pool is green, don’t despair. Give us a call and we’ll transform your pool from green to great in as little as two days!

We use commercial-grade treatments that act quickly and safely to destroy algae, kill bacteria, and restore your pool’s chemical balance.

With our Green Pool Treatment, your pool will be back to a sparkling clear blue in no time—all you need to do is dive in and enjoy a swim!

Here are the before and after photos of green pool treatments we recently did for two residential customers in the Orlando area.




Ready to book your Green Pool Treatment?

You can get in touch via our contact form or call us at (407) 267-0342.


We’re social! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Fratelli Blog | What should you look for in a pool cleaning company?

What should you look for in a pool cleaning company?

Learn how to choose a pool cleaning company that ticks all the boxes

What should you look for in a pool cleaning company?

Do you find yourself spending more time taking care of your pool than you do enjoying it? If your answer is yes, it may be time to think about hiring a professional pool cleaning company.


In Orlando, the weather is always perfect for a swim—so it’s important to keep your pool pristine all year round! To help you decide who’s up to the job, we’ve put together a list of the 5 most important things to look for when hiring a pool cleaning company.



  • Choose a company that’s licensed and insured

When you’re researching a pool cleaning company, make sure you ask for their credentials. A licensed, insured pool cleaning company will uphold higher service standards than an unlicensed pool cleaner—plus, you’re protected if anything goes wrong when they’re servicing your pool.


Ask how many years they’ve been in business and how many pools they take care of. If they don’t have a website or social media presence, ask them to share customer testimonials and photos of the pools they’ve serviced.



  • Clear communication

You can learn a lot about a pool cleaning company just from the first interactions you have with them. Do they respond promptly and professionally to phone calls and messages? Do they take the time to listen to what you need? Do they provide a comprehensive quote that lists all of the charges upfront?


These first communications with a prospective pool cleaning company can tell you a lot about how things are likely to go once you hire them. If they respond in a timely manner, answer all of your questions and act professionally throughout, there’s a big chance they’ll do a great job taking care of your pool, too.



  • Comprehensive pool cleaning

Don’t hire a pool cleaning company that only does half the job! There’s not much point paying a professional to take care of your pool if you’ll still have to do some of the dirty work yourself.


Look for a pool cleaning company that offers more than just chemical analysis and water balancing. Comprehensive pool cleaning should always include:

  • Cleaning the pool walls, tiles and water line
  • Skimming the pool surface
  • Cleaning the skimmer and pump baskets
  • Cleaning the pool filter
  • Inspecting all pool equipment.


Regular inspection of your pool equipment can actually help you save money in the long run. Keeping everything well-maintained will help to extend the life of your equipment and may mean fewer costly repair bills in the future.



  • Read the reviews

Before hiring a pool cleaning company, check out their reviews on Google and Facebook. Pay close attention to what customers say about the quality of the work as well as the promptness, reliability and professionalism of the pool cleaning team.



  • Don’t forget the finishing touches

To help you keep the area around your pool beautifully maintained, an experienced pool cleaning company may also offer some great extra services in addition to weekly pool cleaning. These extra services may include:

  • Deep cleaning of pool tiles
  • Pressure washing the pool deck and screen
  • School day (educational sessions for homeowners to help them learn how to take care of their pool).


If you’re looking for a certified, insured and licensed pool cleaning company in Orlando, we’re here to help!


Fratelli Pool Service has been serving the Greater Orlando area since 2016. We take great pride in our work, helping both residential customers and property management companies keep their pools beautifully clean and perfectly maintained.


Our goal is to always exceed our customers’ expectations. We are CPO certified, licensed and insured for your protection.


Ready to request a quote?

You can get in touch via our contact form or call us at (407) 267-0342.


We’re social! You can find us on Facebook and Instagram.